ISSN: 2375-3838
International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research  
Manuscript Information
Digital Health: The Wearable Devices and the Internet of Things
International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Vol.6 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jun. 5, 2019, Page: 13-16
793 Views Since June 5, 2019, 310 Downloads Since Jun. 5, 2019

Giampaolo Collecchia, Center for Studies and Research in Family Medicine (CSeRMEG), Massa, Italy.


Wearable devices have recently received considerable interest due to their potential to greatly impact health. They may stimulate a broad population to pursue life-long health enhancing physical activity, fitness and improve individual performance. A wide range of mobile devices are being developed for real-time non-invasive monitoring, for example heart rate, blood pressure, electroencephalogram. Here we review recent biomedical research utilizing wearable technology in the context of the principal areas of medicine (cardiovascular, diabetes and neurology) and some areas requiring further considerations by the field will be discussed. The doctors and the nurses must be prepared to manage the relationship with patients who more and more often will submit the mobile devices data obtained, running thus the risk of being overwhelmed by an enormous mass of information and new responsibilities in a context of greater uncertainty and confusion. Moreover, there is also the possibility that the patients excessively rely on self-monitoring and the mantra of "do-it-yourself" diagnoses, actually not very reliable and in any case not easily inferrable simply from the data analysis. In fact, there are still many uncertainties relating for example to the accuracy of the obtainable data, the treatment criteria and the actual value in terms of improvement of clinical results compared to traditional therapy.


Wearable-Device, Non Invasive, Biosensors


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