ISSN: 2375-3846
American Journal of Science and Technology  
Manuscript Information
Towards the Effective Integration of ICT in Educational Practices; a Review of the Situation in Nigeria
American Journal of Science and Technology
Vol.1 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jul. 15, 2014, Page: 116-121
2326 Views Since July 15, 2014, 1542 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

Sani Alhaji Garba, Department of Curriculum and Instructions, School of Education, Federal College of Education Katsina, PMB 2041 Katsina, Nigeria.


This study examines the development and acquisition of functional skills for ICT integration within the context of teacher education in Nigeria providing an overview of ICT integration in educational practices in Nigerian teacher training institutions alongside policy issues. It examines issues and problems surrounding the current practices of ICT integration and identifies critical research gaps that need consideration. Qualitative research approach was employed. Data were collected from three sources and eight teacher educators participated in the study. Content and thematic analysis was used. Based on the issues that emerged from the analysis, the study consider the current practices in Nigerian teacher training institutions as not yielding the desired result due to technical issues relating to curriculum arrangement, pedagogical practices and infrastructure. Intensive research to address the issues identified in the paper is seriously recommended.


ICT, ICT Integration, Pedagogical Practices


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