Vol.2 , No. 3, Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2015, Page: 111-115
[1] | Srinivasan E., Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India. |
[2] | Vanchinathan T., Centre of Nanotechnology and Research, VIT University Vellore, India. |
[3] | Siva Kumar G., Department of Chemistry, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India. |
An automated dip coater capable of coating thin films of less or greater than one micron from nano suspensions has been designed and fabricated using microcontroller controlled stepper motor. Various off-the-shelf components have been integrated to build a cost effective, customizable, versatile kit. The setup is used to coat thin films of photoresist material such as alumina, and poly-ethylene glycol composite on substrates to achieve uniform thickness. The automated system outperforms manual systems by allowing constant dipping speeds in the range of 10 to 100mm per second. The repeatability, reproducibility of the fabricated dip coater is excellent and the ease of use is comparable to that of commercial kits. The design considerations and selection criteria for the components are discussed in this paper. Finally, a thin film of alumina based ceramic and alumina-polymer composite thin film was made and characterized using optimal microscopy to view particles sizeses and behaviours.
Dip Casting, Pic-Microcontroller, Stepper Motor, Alumina, Poly-Ethylene Glycol, Optical Characterization, Proteus 7.6 Professional, Olympus Optical Microscope
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