AASCIT Journal of Chemistry  
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Determination of Heavy Metals in Scrapped Car Paint Dust and Auto Repair Workshop Soil from Southeastern Nigeria: Soil Contamination Assessment
AASCIT Journal of Chemistry
Vol.6 , No. 3, Publication Date: Oct. 28, 2020, Page: 20-28
1153 Views Since October 28, 2020, 472 Downloads Since Oct. 28, 2020

John Kanayochukwu Nduka, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit, Pure and Industrial Chemistry Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.


Johnpaul Onyenezi Amuka, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit, Pure and Industrial Chemistry Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.


Chioma Perpetua Okafor, Department of Natural Sciences, School of General Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nigeria.


Automobiles imported into Nigeria are fairly used and rickety, the net effect is that high automobile waste dot the Nigerian landscape, amidst poverty the vehicles are taken to the workshops for reworking (panel beaten, welding, old paint scrapping, finishing and repainting). Therefore we used integrated pollution index, enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index to establish contamination profiles of used vehicle reworking workshop soil. Scrapped car paint dusts matrix from 55 vehicles and workshop soil were collected from eight (8) car reworking workshops in south eastern Nigerian. They were homogenized, mixed and divided into fine particles that can pass through 0.5mm sieve and digested by standard methods. The filtrates were assayed for cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel, copper and iron with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS 200A) at their respective wavelength. Result of paint dust shows highest value (mg/kg) Cd (3.36±0.02),Cr (2.95 ±0.01), Pb (4.21±0.03), Mn (3.31±0.01), Ni (3.84±0.02), Cu (7.11±0.01) and Fe (13.25±0.04) for vehicles in workshops D, G, B, A, A, D and H while that of workshop soil were Cd (3.93±0.01), Cr (3.53±0.02), Pb (5.19±0.05), Mn (4.05±0.01), Ni (4.57±0.01), Cu (7.31±0.01) and Fe (16.12±0.08) were reported in workshops F, F, B, A, F, D and G. Contamination assessment [integrated pollution index (IPIn), enrichment factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (I-geo)] calculated using standard equations were compared with established reference standard showed that workshop soils were anthropogenically polluted with heavy metals from scrapped waste car paint. Reworking used vehicles may contribute to environmental heavy metal burden with its associated public health risks.


Paint Dust, Soil Heavy Metal Levels, Soil Contamination Assessment, Automobile Waste, Auto-Workshops, Southeastern Nigeria


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