ISSN Print: 2381-1358  ISSN Online: 2381-1366
AASCIT Journal of Physics  
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The Classical Conversions of Electromagnetic Fields on Their Consequences
AASCIT Journal of Physics
Vol.1 , No. 1, Publication Date: Mar. 28, 2015, Page: 11-18
1929 Views Since March 28, 2015, 1045 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

F. F. Mende, B. I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS, Ukraine.


The laws of classical electrodynamics they reflect experimental facts they are phenomenological. Unfortunately, contemporary classical electrodynamics is not deprived of the contradictions, which did not up to now obtain their explanation. The fundamental equations of contemporary classical electrodynamics are Maksvell's equation. But not all know that those equations, which it is customary to assume as Maxwell's equations, not are those equations, which used itself Maxwell. During writing of its equations it used the substantional derivative, that are made themselves they invariant with respect to the conversions of Galileo. Subsequently Hertz and Heaviside excluded from the substantional derivative its convective part, after writing down Maxwell's equations in the partial derivatives. In this form the equations are invariant to the conversions of Lorenz and this approach laid way to the creation of the special theory of relativity (SR). In the article are examined the conversions of electromagnetic fields on upon transfer of one inertial system to another, obtained on the basis of the equations of electromagnetic and magnetoelectric induction with the use by the substantional derivative and they are examined the consequences, which escape from such conversions.


Maxwell's Equation, Lorenz's Conversions, Substantional Derivative, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetoelectric Induction


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