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AASCIT Journal of Education  
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A Study of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): Teachers’ Views on Learning
AASCIT Journal of Education
Vol.6 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jun. 2, 2021, Page: 1-10
1115 Views Since June 1, 2021, 325 Downloads Since Jun. 1, 2021

Rui Feng Lyu, School of Foreign Studies, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou, PRC.


Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) has been given a lot of attention in the academic field in recently years, in particular, in the field of teacher cognition and teacher knowledge. This research aimed to study one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), teachers’ views on learning, as shown in the practices of six Chinese in-service teachers teaching College English at two universities in the south of China by using a qualitative multiple case study approach. The study found that the participant teachers were generally experienced in their receiving views on learning, but possibly unskilled in their negotiation and experiencing views on learning. This research has implications for university (even other levels of schools) teachers’ continuing education and professional development in China: based on the conclusion that receiving views were more common among the participant teachers than experiencing or negotiation views on learning, in order to help in-service teachers develop their PCK (regarded as professional knowledge), in particular their views on learning (one aspect of PCK), universities are encouraged to organize academic activities related to teachers’ views on learning (as professional development), such as inviting experts, scholars from outside, or even their own teachers to share their experiences in terms of views on learning.


PCK, Teachers’ Views on Learning, Teacher Cognition


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