ISSN: 2375-3897
American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering  
Manuscript Information
Development of Virtual Reality-Based Radiological Emergency Exercise System
American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol.6 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2020, Page: 1-12
1372 Views Since February 20, 2020, 477 Downloads Since Feb. 20, 2020

Dewhey Lee, Research and Development Department, Global Internal Radiation Dosimetry Services (GIRDS), Inc., Daejeon, South Korea.


Hyungwon Lee, Domestic Construction Department, Kepco E&C Co., Ltd, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.


Byung Il Lee, Department of Research and Development, Integrity Diagnostic Korea (IDK) Co., Ltd, Daejeon, South Korea.


Unjang Lee, Department of Research and Development, Orion EnC Co., Ltd, Seoul, South Korea.


New concept for exercise technology such as virtual reality (VR)-based exercise system is introduced to alleviate the difficulties in personnel mobilization and to meet the soaring demand for target participants in exercises through an alternative approach to the exercise system. An exercise system was developed to facilitate the resident public with practical and efficient radiological emergency exercise available. An implementer of the exercise system does not only simply proceed exercises according to the scenarios prepared but also practices exercises by actively manipulating the system by him/herself. Thus, he/she can evaluate the result of his/her own practices and improve the practices. Because the system does not require a specific exercise location for practices and calling-on large number of the public for exercises is possible, the system expects to overcome various limitations of the current exercises. Currently, an exercise system was developed with VR-based exercise scenarios for the major occupational groups as a representative group, and a mobile VR gear exercise system was developed. However, an implementer can experience scenarios of unexpected situations resulted in the destruction of infrastructure such as roads and bridges and complex situations brought from combination of an earthquake and tsunami other than normal situations of successes of events.


Effective Dose Rate, Emergency Planning Zone, Exercise Evaluation Program, Public Response Action, VR Based Radiological Exercise System


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