ISSN: 2375-3927
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications  
Manuscript Information
The Behavior of Cauchy-Type Integral Near the Boundary of the Semicylindrical Domain
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jun. 7, 2016, Page: 1-16
2199 Views Since June 7, 2016, 881 Downloads Since Jun. 7, 2016

A. Gaziev, Faculty of Mechanical-Mathematics of Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.


M. Yakhshiboev, Samarkand Branch of Tashkent University of Informational Technology, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.


The purpose of this work is the elucidation of the behavior of Cauchy-type integrals near the boundary semicylindrical domain to θ(δ)- characteristics celebrated jordanovic of closed curves (in the case when θ(δ)~δ, this class of curves is much wider class of piecewise-smooth class of curves for which the chord length relation to the pulling together arch are limited (K-curves), and also in it existence of cusps is allowed). The main characteristics for functions f∈C_∆ - the mixed and private modules of continuity which was proven continuously extendibility of n-multiple Cauchy-type integral to the border of the semicylindrical domain and the limit values of the types of Sokhoskiy’s formulas.


Closed Jordan Rectifiable Curve (c.j.r.c.), Semicylindrical Domain, Cauchy-Type Integrals, Private and Mixed Continuity Modules, Characteristic Curve Core, Continuous Extendibility, Sokhoskiy’s Formulas


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