ISSN: 2375-3005
American Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology  
Manuscript Information
Effect of Oil Palm Bunch Ash (Elaeis Guineensis) on the Bioremediation of Diesel Oil Polluted Soil
American Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Vol.2 , No. 2, Publication Date: Apr. 3, 2015, Page: 6-14
1709 Views Since April 3, 2015, 2374 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

Amajuoyi Chinomso A., Department of Applied and Environmental Biology, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


Wemedo Samuel A., Department of Applied and Environmental Biology, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


The physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of unpolluted soils, soils simulated with conditions of a major spill (diesel oil pollution) and soils treated with different weights of an organic supplement (oil palm bunch ash, OPBA) after simulation were investigated. Physicochemical parameters such as pH, water holding capacity and moisture contents decreased in both the unpolluted soils (control 1) and polluted soil without OPBA (control 2) throughout the study periods (Day 1 to Day 42). Addition of different weights of OPBA to the polluted soils caused an initial increase in pH, water holding capacity and moisture contents and decreased afterwards. Exchangeable cations also decreased in both the unpolluted soil and polluted soil without OPBA treatment. Treatment with OPBA increased nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium contents. Both heterotrophic and diesel utilizing bacteria and fungi were isolated from unpolluted soil, polluted soil and OPBA treated soils. There was significant difference among controls and diesel oil polluted soils treated with different weights of OPBA for heterotrophic and diesel utilizing bacteria and fungi. Application of diesel oil and OPBA according to weight applied stimulated both bacteria and fungi which gradually declined with time as higher fractions of diesel oil were degraded. TPH ranges and percentage reduction observed throughout the experiment for all the treatments are as follows: US 16.96±1.27 to 11.21±2.47 (33.9%), PS 131.31±11.96 to 125.50±11.25 (4.4%), PS+50gOPBA 127.89±12.86 to 18.29±0.96 (85.7%), PS+100gOPBA 125.54±2.28 to 20.68±0.51 (83.5%), PS+200gOPBA 124.71±11.50 to 28.21±0.49 (77.38%) and PS+500gOPBA 124.04±5.02 to 36.25±0.38 (70.78%). Means of microbial counts are as follows: THB (×105 cfu/g) US 1.22±0.08, PS 0.9±0.06, PS+50gOPBA 16.99±0.0, PS+100gOPBA 18.79±0.0, PS+200gOPBA 21.70±0.0 and PS+500gOPBA 27.15±0.0. THF (×105 cfu/g) US 0.88±0.08, PS 0.33±0.06, PS+50gOPBA 15.70±0.0, PS+100gOPBA 17.32±0.0, PS+200gOPBA 20.38±0.0 and PS+500gOPBA 24.23±0.0. HUB (×105 cfu/g) US 0.93±0.08, PS 0.84±0.06, PS+50gOPBA 3.51±0.0, PS+100gOPBA 5.20±0.0, PS+200gOPBA 5.54±0.0 and PS+500gOPBA 6.58±0.0. HUF (×105 cfu/g) US 0.73±0.08, PS 0.48±0.06, PS+50gOPBA 2.81±0.0, PS+100gOPBA 3.70±0.0, PS+200gOPBA 4.02±0.0 and PS+500gOPBA 4.43±0.0. Microbial counts increased at the beginning of the experiment upon addition of OPBA and decreased with time. Bacterial and fungal species isolated were: Klebsiella sp, Acinetobacter sp, Streptomyces sp, Flavobacterium sp, Pseudomonas sp, Nocardia sp, Bacillus sp, Aerococcus sp, Alcaligenes sp and Micrococcus sp., Rhizopus sp, Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp, Trichodema sp, Mucor sp, Fusarium sp and Cladosporium sp. OPBA enhanced oil degradation with %TPH reduction highest at PS+50gOPBA which is the optimal level likely to impact maximum economic gain.


Oil Palm Bunch Ash (OPBA), Simulation, Diesel Oil, Pollution, Bioremediation


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