ISSN: 2375-3757
International Journal of Management Science  
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Organisational Cynicism and Employees’ Intention to Quit
International Journal of Management Science
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 11, 2018, Page: 6-9
929 Views Since January 11, 2018, 757 Downloads Since Jan. 11, 2018

Batholomew Peter, Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Onuoha Benedict Chima, Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


In this 21st century, the enormous impact of globalisation, competition, workforce diversity, and advancement in technology has really changed things. Life today is totally different from as it was yesterday, and today, people have more job opportunities compared to yesterday! This era’s Managers and Leaders have as a very big challenge, the task to retain the best employees. This paper sought to carry-out a critical and an unbiased theoretical study and examination into the relationship between organisational cynicism and employees’ intention to quit such an organisation. Descriptive Research Method was adopted for the study. And data was sourced from basically secondary sources. On the basis of the data sourced, studied, and examined, the researchers found that Cynicism among other things, can make employees become hopeless, less committed to their work, less satisfied, and at the end, the employees may decide to quit the organisation. And based on these findings, it was concluded among other things that, in most cases, there is a positive and direct relationship between both variables (Organisational Cynicism and Employees’ Intention to Quit) of the study. As a result, this study posited that, the higher the cynicism in an organisation, the higher the employees’ intention to quit such an organisation, and vice versa. And hence, it was recommended among others that, Cynicism can effectively be managed by the organisations by adopting fair practices like operating in an open and honest atmosphere, providing realistic goals, promoting cooperation among/between individuals and management, and honest and fair pay system. These, in the researchers’ opinion, can improve the confidence of the employees; and downplay any form of organisational Cynicism.


Cynicism, Orgnisational Cynicism, Intention to Quit


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