ISSN: 2375-3781
International Journal of Modern Education Research  
Manuscript Information
Researching What Teacher Educators and Trainee Teachers Say About British Values: Qualitative Practitioner Research, Exploring Teachers’ Views
International Journal of Modern Education Research
Vol.5 , No. 4, Publication Date: Oct. 9, 2018, Page: 61-68
1022 Views Since October 9, 2018, 1012 Downloads Since Oct. 9, 2018

Merv Lebor, Department of Teacher Education, Leeds City College, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.


The context of this paper was that there is a tension between UK Government requirements that teachers should include British Values into teaching classes in schools and colleges and the attitudes of teachers who were reported to have ambiguous or possibly negative attitudes towards this issue. The researcher was asked by management to explore how teacher educators and trainees embed British Values (BVS) into their teaching. The objectives were: to explore what teacher educators and trainees said about embedding British Values into their classes and to make recommendations about how British Values could be embedded into classroom teaching. A series of questions were formulated in order to explore this issue and then teacher educators were interviewed on their perspectives. A questionnaire was circulated in training classes and a focus group set up. The researcher then began to expand the enquiry to examine a range of recommendations of how to embed BVS with three managers in a specific college, anonymised as Bathdale. The questions that emerged was how might teachers implement BVS into their classrooms as different from ‘civilised’ ‘liberal’, humanistic or even the norms of Equality and Diversity teaching that have already been embedded into lesson plans, schemes of work and general teaching within the Education and Training sector. The aim was for teacher educators to support tutors in embedding these BVS into their teaching. The methodology of this inquiry was to offer qualitative practitioner research which would suggest some recommendations to improve practice on how teachers might embed these values more systematically and consistently in their sessions.


British Values, Equality, Diversity, Democracy, Liberty, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect


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