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Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications  
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Electropositive Promotion of DC HF CCVD Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes: A Review
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications
Vol.6 , No. 1, Publication Date: Nov. 26, 2020, Page: 1-23
1030 Views Since November 26, 2020, 460 Downloads Since Nov. 26, 2020

Jeannot Mane Mane, Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (National Advanced School of Engineering), University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon; Basical Scientific Teachings (ESB) Department, Advanced Teachers’ Training College for Technical Education (ENSET), University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon; Departement of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon.


Nyangono Kouma Jean Michel, Basical Scientific Teachings (ESB) Department, Advanced Teachers’ Training College for Technical Education (ENSET), University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon.


Bridinette Thiodjio Sendja, Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (National Advanced School of Engineering), University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon.


Ability of electropositive element atoms to promote catalysis by transition metal atoms of carbon nanotubes growth by CVD process, the so called DC HF CCVD is concerned. The starting point and originality is promotion of adsorption of ethylene on transition metal dense face surfaces (Pt(111)) in presence of substrate surface pre-covered with alkali atoms. Promoting effect then being sketched by conversion of adsorption mode from a di- type bonding on the bare substrate surface to a -bonding mode in the presence of pre-covered promotor’s atoms and at their adsorption site vicinity. This promoting behavior induces molecular orbitals positions shifts with increasing alkali coverage as evidenced in UPS and XPS line position changes and variations in relative adsorbed amounts of each species of alkyne as shown by TDS. Results have been understood within theoretical electrostatic models and charge transfer between TM-substrate and promoting atoms, and between promotor and alkyne through the Chatt-Duncanson model. Assuming catalysis of CVD growth process of CNTs by TM particles pre-coverage of a substrate of SiO2/Si(100), the obtained CNTs may be considered to be bonded to TM catalyst spread inside the tubes in a bonding state referred to as STATE1. This supposes top growth mode through VLS mechanism, initiated by pop-corn like lift of catalyst particles under increase of temperature. Growth carried under these conditions leads to nanotubes with a certain size and length distribution. While pre-covering catalyst clusters with alkali atoms prior to CVD process, this would favor interaction between catalyst and promotor first, inducing strong charge transfer from alkali towards TM particle, thus weakening the next interaction between the synthetized nanotube and resulting «promoted catalyst». Obtained nanotube structure in a bonding state referred to as STATE2 would be more weakly bonded to the «catalyst», compared to STATE1. As well, overall CNTs height should then be a beet shortened compared to the first case. Expected experimental results may be checked through DCD model and vibrational spectroscopies through the eventual shift of band transitions occurring. The same may be done in XPS for s-resonance line position shifts. Expected is easier release of catalyst particles in the course of CNTs purification aiming specific applications such as hydrogen storage. The work may have some implications in device implementation implicating CNTs defects. Experimental applications may follow.


Carbon Nanotubes, Promotion of DC HF CCVD of CNTs, Charge Transfer Promotor-TM and TM-C, DCD Model, Electrostatic Models, Defects


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