ISSN Print: 2381-0998  ISSN Online: 2381-1005
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications  
Manuscript Information
Investigations of the Influence of LED Light on the Colour Stability of Mineral Pigments in Cellulose Binder
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications
Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jun. 13, 2019, Page: 35-43
1272 Views Since June 13, 2019, 506 Downloads Since Jun. 13, 2019

Charlotte Feneis, Faculty of Engineering in Building and Computer Science, University of Applied Science, Erfurt, Germany.


Sven Steinbach, Faculty of Engineering in Building and Computer Science, University of Applied Science, Erfurt, Germany.


Hartmut Leipner, Interdisciplinary Research Center of Material Science, Martin Luther University, Halle/Saale, Germany.


Main goal of this study is to develop and establish an adequate method to investigate mineral pigments of their phenomenological behavior by optical irradiation in the low-intensity field what is typical for indoor situations with artificial radiation. This is of urgent need as there is no standardized and differentiated method available until now. The method is based on the description of the induced colour change by applying the remission spectroscopy. Gaining curves of colour distance for each specific sample material, it is possible to conduct qualitative analyses and to categorize the optical radiation stability. Besides, spectral object sensitivity and validity of the reciprocity low concerning the group of mineral pigments are also investigated. Further the influence of light, respectively the wavelength range from 380 nm to 780 nm is the primary focus of the investigation. This particular interest follows from an increasing application of LEDs which mainly emit visible radiation. The results are essentially aimed to provide practical advices for conservators and peoples in charge for valuable objects like they are situated in museums and exhibitions. As pigments are almost exclusively applied in binders, for the irradiation experiments exemplary a modern binder is chosen. This binder is a cellulose binder, which is amongst other fields, nowadays used for restauration of historical wall paintings.


Optical Radiation Stability, Colour Change, Categorization System, LED Light, Mineral Pigments, Cellulose Binder


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