American Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering  
Manuscript Information
The Design Process of Vakfikebir River Fol Park
American Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol.3 , No. 4, Publication Date: Nov. 28, 2018, Page: 105-111
2161 Views Since November 28, 2018, 516 Downloads Since Nov. 28, 2018

Emrah Yalçınalp, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Forestry, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.


Alperen Meral, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bingol University, Bingol, Turkey.


As the communication between quality outdoor spaces and their residents emerged as a subject of scientific study, landscape architecture has come to mean much more than the embellishment of the environment. Its importance has grown further with the increasing awareness of the rapidly depleting natural resources. Therefore, many official and private legal and natural entities started to view landscaping projects as a matter of prestige, self-expression and branding. Vakfikebir, a city located on the northeast coast of Turkey and one of the largest cities of Trabzon, is one of the cities putting forth efforts in pursuit of this goal. In search for creating opportunities for its residents to spend quality time near River Fol, a river flowing through the city, a landscaping project was commenced in response to the request of the Municipality of Vakfikebir. The most pronounced request of the Municipality was to repurpose this unused area for the use of the residents and create a distinctive silhouette that will have an international eminence. The project was prepared by Dr. Emrah YALÇINALP through the instrument of the Circulating Capital Enterprise of Karadeniz Technical University. The 45-day preliminary study was started with field analysis and interviews to determine the user profile; then, in light of the data obtained from the preliminary study, the project was first conceptually laid out and, then, delivered to the relevant municipal authorities as an application project. During the four-month sitework, the site was weekly visited and supervised to ensure the construction process is in keeping with the project. The project aims to contribute to the international renown of the city, which has been populated since 2017, by creating an authentic silhouette.


Landscape Design, Planning, River Park


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