International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering  
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Analysis and Experiment on the Movement Process of Potato on a Swing Separating Sieve
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Vol.4 , No. 1, Publication Date: May 28, 2019, Page: 1-7
805 Views Since May 28, 2019, 395 Downloads Since May 28, 2019

Shengshi Xie, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.


Chunguang Wang, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.


Weigang Deng, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.


Jianguo Yan, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.


The movement process of a potato relative to the swing-separating sieve is the result of a coupling effect of the kinematical characteristics of the separating sieve and potato. To understand the movement process of potato relative to the swing-separating sieve, experiments were designed to capture the relative motion images of potato on the separating sieve at different crank angular velocities. Then, the mathematical model of the relative velocity of potato on the separating sieve was established. Based on the model, the movement process of the potato was analysed. When the crank angular velocity was 19.625 rad/s, the movement process of the potato relative to the separating sieve mainly included forward sliding, flying, and forward sliding as well as backward sliding and flying and presented as a continuous process. When the crank angular velocity was 23.55 rad/s, the movement process of the potato relative to the separating sieve was also a continuous process and principally consisted of forward sliding and flying as well as backward sliding and flying. The result from the theoretical analysis was consistent with the relative motion images of potato from the experiments. Thus, this study could be helpful to design optimal parameters of a separating sieve.


Potato, Swing Separating Sieve, Movement Process, Relative Velocity


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