International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering  
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Nutrient Composition of Stylosanthes hamata cv Verano Fertilized with Some Animal Manure in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Vol.3 , No. 5, Publication Date: Sep. 3, 2018, Page: 112-116
1998 Views Since September 3, 2018, 784 Downloads Since Sep. 3, 2018

David Terhemba Shaahu, Department of Animal Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.


Emmanuella Ma'andik Doeko'os, Department of Animal Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.


Abel Ibrahim Okwori, Department of Animal Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.


To supply the soil nutrient requirement for forages to increase their composition that will meet animal needs in Makurdi, Benue State, a study was conducted to know the nutrients that can be added to Stylosanthes hamata cv Verano when fertilized using different sources of animal manures available such as poultry droppings, cattle dung, sheep and goats droppings and rabbit faeces, which were arranged in a complete randomized designed (CRD). In this trial there were significant differences between the fertilized plots and the control, the fertilized plots recorded the highest values expect for ash and NDF and where T0 recorded more values than the fertilized treatments. The DM ranged from 92.20% to 93.49%, ash recorded between 5.61% to 6.07%, EE ranged from 7.07% to 11.47%, CF from 36.09% to 45.06%, CP varied between 9.06% to 15.19%, P values ranged from 1.97% to 3.12%, Na recorded 0.18% to 0.40%, Ca ranged from 0.97% to 1.31%, Mg 0.07% to 0.08% and K was between -0.29 to 0.31%. Rabbit faeces [T4] is recommended for fertilization of forages at Makurdi, in Benue State of Nigeria.


Nutrient Composition, Stylosanthes hamata cv Verano, Animal Manure, Benue State


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